Pool Service Business for Sale in Palm Beach Island

Price: $188,000

Location: Palm Beach Island

Industry: Entertainment and Recreation

Listing ID: 42734565

Listing Status: Reduced Price


Over 40 years in business, this Pool Service Company provides service to high end accounts in Palm Beach County. Many clients (30%) are on Palm Beach Island. Over 100 loyal accounts which average $120 monthly per account, higher than the industry average. Many accounts have been through multiple buyouts and maintained their loyalty. Owner manages the field, does sales calls and billing, all of which takes about 20 hours per week. Owner subcontracts other services such as leak detection and surface refinishing for a commission. Pool cleaning is performed by two Certified Pool Operators who are knowledgeable and experienced with over 5 years working for the company. Employees have been assigned company pickup trucks with equipment, such as Hammer-Head Vacuums, which allows them to start their workday from their own home and take trucks home every day. High margin business operates as a home-based business which results in at least $12,000 a year savings in lease costs. Two pickup trucks, a trailer, two HammerHeads and other equipment/tools are included in the price. There is a lot of potential for growth through actively promoting repairs to the current clients and developing new service accounts. Year to date sales show that 2021 will end with sales exceeding $ 280,000 for the year. Great investment for a startup individual or as an add on to an existing pool service business.

For a qualified Buyer, the business has been prequalified for an SBA loan. Buyer must currently be active or must have had previous experience in this field to qualify.


Down Payment: $30,000

Total Sales: $280,814

Cash Flow: $108,990



Accounts Receivable: N/A


Inventory: N/A


Year Established: 1982

Non-Owner Payroll: N/A


Real Estate: N/A

Monthly Rent: N/A

Type of Location: Home based

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